Thursday 24 December 2015

Nigerian given a life sentence for defiling daughter

Emmanuel Ngene, 56 year old man has 225 years, five months and ten days left to serve for first degree murder and rape of his daughter. Even this day he denies committing this heinous crime and his innocence is duly supported by his friends and family members.

Like many other young and aspiring Nigerians, who’s live was buried under an inflation effected economy of the early 1980s, Emmanuel sought to survive in a foreign country and he chose wisely in selecting the United States, the land of opportunities. Destined for a better living he relocated to the States in 1981 and desired for education upon arrival. But with no money, surviving in the God’s own country was not easy and he got engaged in menial jobs in order to sustain himself.
It took him many years to adept to the foreign lifestyle and then he married Mary, a resident of his motherland. Emmanuel would return every year during holidays to his family and the couple had their first child in Nigeria on November 9, 1998. The family moved back to America in 2007 and Mary instantly got tangled in the new world and started drifting apart from her husband.
Many times Emmanuel would complaint his friends that his wife refuses to have $ex and spend time with her. The following incidents vary as both Emmanuel and Mary charge each other of misbehaving. In later years Emmanuel was charged by his wife and daughter for $exually assaulting her multiple times and Emmanuel was found guilty and was sentenced to 300 to 369 years in Prison.
Emmanuel however continues to deny all the charges against him to this day and already had a partial stroke from the stress of the trial and subsequent imprisonment. Emmanuel will be spending his sixth year inside a South Eastern United State penitentiary this holiday.

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